A-20H 44-002 crash east of Tucson AZ on August 9 1945

A-20H 44-002 crash east of Tucson in Rincon Mountains on August 9 1945
Copyright © Chris McDoniel
Two Wright Field Service pilots died in the crash of A-20H on August 9, 1945. The crashed occurred during a rain storm on the south side of the Rincon Mountains. First Lieutenant Russell L. Mathern and Captain Holbrook Snyder were fatally injured.
Most of the photos I've posted were taken in the late 1980s.
When these photos were taken in the late 1980's, the camoflague paint could still be seen on debris.
Remains of the top turret.
One of the big radial engines.
Copyright © 2002-2024 Chris McDoniel
All Rights Reserved

Remains of a propeller.
Interesting debris from the A-20H. In the upper right portion of the piece is a US Navy inspection stamp. You can berely see the "US" between an anchor. The faint remains of an "R" is probably a Douglas inpection stamp.