OV-1C crash along San Pedro river on July 7, 1970

Grumman OV-1C 68-15949 Mohawk crash along
San Pedro River in southern Arizona
Copyright © Chris McDoniel
Grumman OV-1C crashes along San Pedro river at approximately 10:30pm on 7 July 1970 while returning to Fort Huachuca following an infra-red training flight. According to the mishap report, "simultaneous loss of power of both engines due to fuel starvation" was a contributing factor to the crash. The mishap report also noted that excessive transmission from Libby Field Control Tower may have contributed to ejection delay.
Prior to the 7 July 1970, thi Mohawk had not been flown since 23 June 1970 due to maintenance.
Two men died in the crash:
Captain Wayne Leroy Clement
Private (Infra-red student operator) Martin J. Geisen
Small door assembly at the OV-1C Mohawk crash site.
Small scattered debris at the OV-1C crash site.
Hydraulic lines containing a variety of colors.
Erosion is eating away the data plate, but you can still make out some of the wording.
Piece of aluminum from the Mohawk.
Copyright © 2002-2024 Chris McDoniel
All Rights Reserved
More scattered debris at the OV-1C crash site.
Drop chute handle
Ok, this makes sense when you are at the crash site. The black and white photo shows an image of the wrecked Mohawk. The remains of the fuselage are pointing up and just over the ridge. The right wing is extending up and still attached to the feselage. The tail section is resting below the fuselage. The left wing broke off and is not in this photo.

Interesting note about trying to locate this crash site. There are several places along the San Pedro with gypsum deposits (salt deposits and desert rose). Salt deposits glistening in the sun gave me false hope that I found the crash site because I kept thinking I was looking at scattered debris reflecting in the sun - unfortunately, they were salt despoists like the one in this photo.