R4D-5, 17145, crash East of Flagstaff on April 28, 1944

R4D-5, 17145, crash East of Flagstaff on Anderson Mesa
on April 28, 1944
Copyright © Chris McDoniel
R4D-5, 17145, departed Oakland on the evening of April 27, 1944, for an East bound flight to Winslow, AZ. The aircraft encountered a snow storm southwest of Winslow. While heading to Winslow, the R4D-5 descended too early and crashed on to the top of Anderson Mesa on April 28, 1944. If the plane descended less than a half mile later, it would have cleared the mesa. Three men survived.
Fatally injured: Elmer W. Nigg, Edward S. Blackwell, Rudolph J. Schilder, R. A. Zachman, James H. Callaway, E. J. Weeks, G. J. Schultz, R. Langston, L. B. Mitchell, C. Coburn, P. H. Jungermann, W. F. Thomas. W. D. Lacy, B. B. Kobuszewski, A. E. Boniello, P. A. Hamel, A. W. Wartzack, E. E. Helmond, J. Dalesio.
Remains of the R4D on Anderson Mesa. (U.S. Navy photo)
Portion of a strut and another engine part.
Copyright © 2002-2024 Chris McDoniel
All Rights Reserved

Lt. James Harold Callaway was one of the men onboard the R4D. He was a graduate of Grinnell College in Iowa. Photo courtest of James Callaway's son, Mike Davidson.

Evidence of burning among the scattered debris.
One of the radial engines broke free after th crash. (U.S. Navy photo)

Part of the landing gear.
Part of the exhaust.
80 years after tragedy that claimed 19 men, family members visit crash site